Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Heatwave Continues

Argh!!! It has been so hot. Am I getting old? I cannot remember suffering so badly with the effects of the heat. I choose not to sit in the airconditioned room most days. I know I will feel the contrast when I step out of the room. A girl at work said her electricity bill exceeded $1000- for the quarter. Ours is usually between $320-$360 range for this time of the year. Generally I sleep well in the nighttime, though. Just sweat a lot. Everybody does. Roll on Sydney Autumn. know I like you a lot.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Heatwave hits Sydney (while cyclone Yasi hits Queensland)

For nearly 2 weeks now it has been so hot in Sydney. The last week have seen temperatures hit over 40 degrees ( up to about 43 degrees yesterday). So hard to sleep. So hard to work. So hard to keep cool. We have lived in Sydney for 23 years and I cannot remember a hotter beginning to the year. But you do keep working. And you sleep the best you can. And you drink so much water. And the sweat just keeps dripping off you. Fortunately, there is the promise of a cool change this coming week.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

And a big warm welcome to 2011

Not long before Christmas, Grace greeted us with the news that she would really like to live in Melbourne one day. She said that the climate really suited her. She likes the cold. So too does Laura ( who is currently experiencing the best cold weather that Japan can offer her). Gem, meanwhile loves the easy pace and distinct 4 seasons offered to her @ Orange. Bryce and I love Sydney. A few times we have toyed with the idea of living elsewhere. But Sydney really offers us a climate that suits. So I think we're here to stay. I still feel a sense of excitement when in the city. I love so much of the architecture and the mystery of streets not yet discovered. Yesterday, Bryce and I headed into the city, by Bus, of course. The bus costs us each only $4.30 each way. So it's so much better and far more stress free, than is driving by car. We were going to the movies @ Dendy, Circular Quay (to see "Sarah's key") but we had some time to kill beforehand. We took out lunch and sat in the garden space opposite Wynyard Station. The day was gorgeous. A very gentle and refreshing breeze kept us comfortable. We wandered around and took photos here and there. Circular Quay was the busiest I have EVER seen it. There were so many International tourists there and a big Ocean Cruiser had docked, adding to the people numbers. There was "entertainment" happening everywhere and a real sense of tourist excitement. The Sydney Festival must have started by now and that in itself is a few weeks of entertainment in all areas of culture/ music/ theatre/ dance and film. Following the movie, we wandered some more, and had a wine and a coffee at the Museum of Sydney. Another great day in Sydney, we both thought. And we happily headed for home.